Nancy Santullo

Nancy Santullo has been involved in energy transformation for more than 20 years. A student of highly aware Rain Forest Shamans, Spiritual Teachers, Master Healers, Qi Gong and Taoist Masters from around the world, she is a magnificent channel, healer and shaman who uses laughter, wisdom, and energy to help individual shift into balance. Nancy left a successful career as a fashion photographer in 1999 to establish Rainforest Flow,, a non-profit that empowers the lives of indigenous people and villages in the remote Manu Rain Forest of Peru. Rainforest Flow implements sustainable programs of clean water, sanitation and health education in context to the real needs of the people. Embodying the wisdom and spirit of the Amazon Rainforest and Divine connection that allows deep transformation to occur in people around her, Nancy’s joy is to guide individuals and groups to realize their full potential. Nancy is available for private transformational sessions.