sara zehnder

Alameda, CA

See this river view? That about sums up who I am personally. Professionally, I run a business finding locations in Alameda for production companies. When I am not doing that, I write content for the web that converts and teach middle/high school kids a thing or two about life and literature. I also try to stay politically current on American politics so I don't look like an idiot at parties.

Okay, so that last part isn't quite true. I'm quite good at a party. Contact me for help in any of these arenas or better yet, click on my VisualCV to see work samples and learn more about me.

And the river view metaphor was a misrepresentation, too. If you stuck a jet propelled ski boat screaming across it, then you'd have a better glimpse of who I really am:-)

  • Work
    • NRC Environmental Services
  • Education
    • Mills College, Oakland, CA