Sarah Murray

Massachusetts, United States

Sarah Murray

Massachusetts, United States

Hey everyone,

My name is Sarah Murray and I am a junior in the Isenberg School of Management here at the best University in Massachusetts, Umass Amherst. I am pursuing a double major in Hospitality & Tourism Management and Marketing with a minor in education. I work hard in order to create a better future for myself. As a Resdident Assistant and part of the kitchen staff at Hampshire Dining Commons, I am a busy person... but I love creating new experiences and opportunities for myself.

My passion is traveling. For a person who craves new experiences and opportunities traveling means the WORLD to me.. hah. get it? This past summer I went abroad on a Hospitality Department sponsored trip. In one month I visited England, Belgium, The Netherlands, France, Italy, Germany, and Iceland. I had the opportunity to meet locals, speak their language, and learn about their culture by exploring the cities, eating the food, and walking through shops. I was even fortunate enough to have a personal tour of a luxury Sofitel Hotel in London, England and speak with department heads of multiple hotels at the Accor Hotel Group Headquarters in Paris, France.

These experiences allowed me to grow as a student, traveler, and person as a whole. It opened by eyes to the beauty of the world and that in the future I could possibly work internationally. My aspirations in the future do include something in the hospitality industry, whether that be traveling around the world for my hotel recruiting people or being in the Marketing and Sales department of a hotel and promoting my businesses brand.

  • Work
    • Resident Assistant
  • Education
    • Isenberg School of Management, Umass Amherst