Sarah Stone

Trying to help business change the world in Scotland, United Kingdom

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I am a former UK Prime Ministerial political adviser and stakeholder engagement expert who now focuses on finding ways business can help us all build a better world.

I've spent a lot of time researching how the political, economic and technological changes we are experiencing are disrupting every industry and sector and thinking about what the impact of this will be.

A lot of our systems and processes were designed for the past - they aren't fit for the 21st century - which means pretty much everything is going to change.

How we shape that change is what’s exciting. I'm convinced that we are on the cusp of something amazing. Humanity has the opportunity to transform the world and in doing so create a better kind of future but it won't happen without effort and it won’t be easy. It also won’t happen by itself. Just having the ability to do it doesn't mean we will.

I'm a practical person who measures success in terms of outcomes so the next logical step was to say 'I can see the possibilities but what I can do to make this happen? How can I focus my professional skills and abilities?’

I looked around at all the enablers for change and decided that it is business that has the ability to make the most impact. My experiences in politics and in Downing Street have convinced me think that government isn't the way to effect significant change – it’s too slow, bureaucratic and unwieldy. Without a doubt government has a significant role to play but it isn’t the one that will set the agenda.

I am convinced that it is our businesses and commercial corporations that will change the world in the years ahead and, if channelled effectively, will create a different and better kind of future.

I set up Samtaler, so that I could work towards making that different kind of world happen. I’m looking for clients so if you are a business leader and you want to know what your company could do get in touch.

I'm currently focusing on enabling public sector procurement reform and am just about to launch a new service which will connect businesses with third sector providers of goods and services. Imagine what it could do if companies bought more of the things they need from social enterprises, charities, co-operatives and community groups?

  • Work
    • Samtaler
  • Education
    • King's College London