Sarah Harris

M&E and Project Development in Vienna, Austria

Sarah Harris

M&E and Project Development in Vienna, Austria

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International development professional with six years of experience working on issues of migration, development, peace and justice. Six years of experience with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) working at HQ (Geneva), regional office (Vienna) and field office (Colombia) levels.

Specialized in project design, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), learning and reporting. Excellent analysis, communication and writing skills. Demonstrated capabilities in policy, research, proposals and grant writing, knowledge management, capacity building and results-based management.


Results-oriented, observant, and analytical; takes initiative to solve problems and promote continuous learning and innovation.


Master in International Relations with specialization in global governance, human rights, development, peace and conflict.

Languages: English, Spanish.



Data-driven, understands the importance of results-based approaches to drive evidence-based decision making, participatory processes and communication among all stakeholders.

I strive to promote evaluative and critical thinking, to connect ideas and see the big picture, to communicate and report in a way that helps others to understand - so they can effectively engage, take action and enact positive social change.


I thrive on: kickboxing, salsa dancing, kickboxing, cinema, hiking, meditation, concerts and dinner parties.


Always searching and asking questions, and always excited to discover or experience something new!

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  • Work
    • International Organization for Migration
  • Education
    • Seattle University
    • Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEI)