Sarah Scott
Sarah Scott
Sarah Scott is an International Performer and Instructor, X-Pole Model, Dew Point Pole Rep, Fitness Model, Pole Performer, Pole Instructor, Fitness Instructor and Super Hero Model.
Sarah has been Pole Performing and Instructing for the last 5 years.
1st Place Miss Pole Dance UK 2012
1st Place Miss Pole Dance UK Doubles 2012
2nd Place World Pole Dance Doubles 2012
2nd Place World Pole Sports Doubles 2012
UKPPC Elite Category - Runner Up 2012
Sponsors Choice - UKPPC 2011
Sarah has been a Pole Fitness Model for X-Pole International at Clothes Show 2010, 2011, BeFit 2012, FIBO 2012 & 2013, Fitness TV Active Chanel, Rimini Wellness 2012, Nuts Magazine, and a League of their own on Sky 1.
She recently featured as Wonder Women for Super Hero Photography with Adam Jay:
She demonstrated for Reebok and X-Pole at the largest Italian wellness show, as well as presenting at IFS in Blackpool in 2013 proving that Pole Dancing is being accepted in the main stream.
Sarah loves her strength moves and is known as the Power House of Pole, her biggest passion is to pass on her knowledge in both pole and physical training.
As an X-Pole and Dewpoint Pole representative Sarah is a great believer in trick saftey and pole safety and delivers this within her workshops.
Sarah is a master trainer for XPert Pole Fitness Training and is available for workshops across the world, to find out more please contact