Cleveland, TN


Cleveland, TN

raised an adventurer, sararenee has lived and traveled all over the world. she rides trains, horses, boats; flies in planes and uses her legs to get wherever it may be that she’s going. movement and growth are a constant in her life. you can call her sr (prounounced es-are). starting her own freelance photography business when she was 18, sr continued on to the prestigious hallmark institute of photography to get a formal education in photography, building upon four years of photography/business experience. since we’re talking about education, you should know that sr also has her BA in English literature, and is an avid reader. in fact, she practically chews books up with her eyes and is enamoured with sir arthur conan doyle’s Sherlock Holmes. as far as photography style goes, sr likes what is real. she likes shooting wide open. she likes big catchlights. she likes dimples and freckles. she likes to rock&roll; and her clients seem to always turn into her close friends. her approach is lifestyle meets rockstar meets fashion/editorial. and more. take a visual stroll through the galleries. it’s hard to know where sr will turn up, but eastern tennessee is a place she will always call home. if you are interested in hiring her for a shoot, please fill out the contact form on to inquire about pricing and travel. biographies are difficult to write. so much happens every day that make a person who they are. if you are interested in learning more about sararenee, ask.