Sawa (Nadia)

Designer and Vendor Manager in Tōkyō, 東京都 日本

Listen to my music

先祖代々約130年続く風呂屋の娘として生まれ、4歳から7歳までを名古屋インターナショナルスクールで過ごす。音楽好きな父親の影響で自宅や窯場ではシャンソンやカンツォーネが常に流れ、曲が聞こえてこない時は自ら歌っていた。高校時代アメリカ留学を経験し、現地の文化祭で(日本語の歌を)歌い、言葉の意味が分からないにも関わらず日本語のフレーズを真似てくれる聴衆を目の前にして、言葉の壁を越える音楽の面白さを知りその力に強く惹かれるようになる。2007年にSQEXから発売された「すばらしきこのせかい」のサウンドトラックで作詞/歌唱家デビュー。アニメ映画「けいおん!」お笑い芸人COWCOWの「あたりまえ体操」英語版を歌った。2013年には和リーグのメンバーとして、ペルーと日本の国交140周年式典などで童謡や民謡などを歌うなど、ジャンルと国境を越えた挑戦を続けている。2011年以降、Nadia名義での活動を始める一方で、自身のオリジナル・バンドSAWAS PHOOL(サワスフール)のボーカルもつとめている。 ---------- Sawa was born as a daughter of a family that has run a traditional Japanese public bath in Nagoya since approximately 1885. She attended NIS (Nagoya International School) from the ages of 4 to 7. Her Father’s love of chanson and canzone music piqued her interest from a young age, instilling a love of music in her. From the ages of 16 to 17 she received schooling in Virginia. While she was there, she had her first experience singing for a live audience at a culture festival. Even though the songs were in Japanese, many in the crowd were singing the chorus by the end of a song. At that moment, she got more interested in the power of music. In 2007, SAWA made her debut as a singer and lyricist with the release of the game "The World Ends with You", produced by Square Enix. A few years later, she worked on the soundtrack for the Japanese animation "K-ON! the movie". Her work is not limited to anime and games, as she also sang for the popular Japanese comedians COWCOW in their series called "No Surprise Exercise”. In 2013, she succeeded in experimenting with traditional folk songs. As a member of the WA-League, she had a stage in Peru and Ecuador to celebrate the 140th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Currently she is a member of the Square Enix produced band project, The Death March, as well as her original band SAWAS PHOOL. Don't miss the first mini-album release of SAWAS PHOOL, coming December 2014!

  • Work
    • The World Ends with You - by SQEX
  • Education
    • Sophia University