Scott Rasmussen

Project Manager in California

Read my blog

Hispanic advertising: fifty years of failure

See my article linked above. A Mexican diplomat once told me the creatives working in this so-called industry are people who can’t write, whose copy is proofread by people who can’t spell.

Your passion = our boredom

Bad writers think in clichés. Amazon’s “Leadership Principles” are an epitome. Find them online.

Which are the best language-learning apps?

There aren’t any, so stop downloading them. Language is a social phenomenon. It cannot be learned by mechanical means.


Imagine a world without Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and Christine Lagarde. It’s easy if you try.

China investors: get out or lose it all

Read my letter in the FT, “Wall Street’s greed is eclipsing its judgment” and its underlying article.

On the other hand, accept no inward investment, public or private, from the Mainland or H.K. Treat it as a stealth form of economic warfare.

Political reset

There have been two in the U.S. during the past 100 years, under FDR and Ronald Reagan. Was the Trump presidency another reset?

Deep state

Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich Hayek wrote about the idea in the late 1940s. So, if it’s a conspiracy theory, at least it’s an expert-approved one.

There is no “transition to green energy”

A strike involving everyone along the hydrocarbons supply chain, from the oil fields to the neighborhood service station, for a month will give the public a taste of life in pre-industrial times. Atlas may have to shrug to get his point across.

Now two proofs of concept for fusion, maybe time to consider a Manhattan Project centered on this unlimited clean energy.


I’ve spent decades exposed to machista culture, and I dislike it. The only culture I dislike more is the culture of the Western beta male.


Nuevo flamenco a lo «old school». Saludos por el (la) youtuber que subió esta pistonuda canción.

Contact: sras “at” iname “dot” com