Sean Davey

Brand Strategist and Innovator in London, United Kingdom

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Blending imagination with commercial insight, I am at my best taking things apart (brands, business models etc) and finding interesting new ways to put them back together again.

I’ve worked with the local Caribbean community in Hackney to turn traditional recipes into branded products they could take to market. I inspired global drinks brand Strongbow to use guerrilla gardening and popup bars to attract millennials across Europe and South Africa. Most recently I have been helping the UK’s biggest property company Landsec to put their new brand idea “Everything is Experience” into practise across the organisation.

My approach to all of these projects has been to truly understand the people I am working with (both client and customer), challenge existing thinking by developing new and interesting insights, and use those insights to create powerful new concepts that bring brands to life.

I am always looking for the next big challenge – whether it is developing a new brand, refreshing an old one, mentoring a startup or simply acting as a strategic sounding board.

  • Work
    • Pollitt & Partners
  • Education
    • University College London