Sean Aquino

founder and instructor in Berkeley, CA

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Sean Aquino founded Fine Leatherworking, the website for aspiring luxury leather goods makers. Previously he was a Digital Strategist at Bunchball, developing engagement strategies for companies' customers and thir employees. A former creative producer, he worked with the startups and non-profits Asian-American-focusedincubated by the Kapor Center for Social Impact. Sean has a background in performance and television: he produced segments for a weekly science and technology show on WTTW Chicago, volunteered as the web director for the Asian-American focused magazine Hyphen and was the president and a dancer for Gamelan Sekar Jaya, a sixty-member company of musicians and dancers, specializing in the performing arts of Bali (that's him underneath that mask).

  • Work
    • Fine Leatherworking
  • Education
    • University of Illinois