Sebastiano Facchini
Civil Engineer in Munich, Germany
Sebastiano holds a Master Degree in Civil Engineering at the University of Trento and he is currently registered as a Civil Engineer at the Italian Chamber of Engineering.
He is mostly interested in structural engineering, with particular interest structural rehabilitation and seismic engineering.
He spent a research period at the Institut für Holz- und Stahlbau of the Technische Universität Dresden under the supervision of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peer Haller and in collaboration with the project partnerEuropoles & Co. GmbH KG, studying the behaviour of moulded wooden tubes with special requirements of frangibility for the application as road and aerodrome equipment.
Since 2009 he occasionally works as technical assistant for a construction company. Moreover, he worked in the same company as assistant to masons and carpenters.
From 2016 to 2018 he collaborates with the structural engineering firm FV Progetti, based in Milan. Along with the traditional structural design with materials as reinforced concrete, steel, masonry and timber, he focuses on structural rehabilitation of existing buildings.
During 2018 he collaborates with FV Progetti as structural consultant for the construction company CMB Carpi in the construction site of the San Gerardo Hospital, in Monza.
From 2018 to 2020, he collaborates with H&B Engineering GmbH as structural engineer in the office in Munich, Germany, working mainly on new structures made of masonry and reinforced concrete.
Since 2021 he is Structural Engineer at Sacher Ingenieure & Sachverständige in München.