Sebastian Haigh

Director and Public Speaker in Oxford, United Kingdom

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Seb Haigh

Sebastian “Seb” Haigh is a technology entrepreneur, investor and author. Seb started in business early, working on his parents' farm, followed by stints in the hotel business, contract farming and gardening. Seb’s first high technology role was programming industrial robots, developing an approach that radically improved quality assurance metrics. Seb went on to co-found multiple technology businesses, start an award-winning talent accelerator in Oxford, and to lead product teams at HP, Amazon and others. Seb has advised leaders in business and governments in technology investments totalling over two billion dollars.

Seb is active in global startup communities with investments and advisory roles in growing business in California, Michigan, New York, Oxford, London, Luxembourg, Ukraine, Qatar, India, Pakistan, China, and Singapore. Seb is Co-founder and board member at Oxford Accelerator (winner NACUE Innovation Award 2017) and Oxford.AI. Investments or board advisor roles include StatSocial, PeekYou, Onfido, Maple Intelligence, NodeGear, Buysta, Mavra, Yell and others.

Seb Haigh, Letter to Investors, Jan 2024:

In 2011 Marc Andreessen said software is eating the world. In 2017 Andrew Ng said AI is the new electricity. In the first quarter of the 21st century, we’ve arguably learned more about learning than humanity did in the first two million years of our existence. And yet we know we have so much more to learn. Unprecedented threats are closing in on us. Unprecedented opportunities shimmer ahead. Can we harness these incredible technologies to better reach our human potential? Can we learn better, sooner, safer, happier, together? We know we can. Let’s make it so.

  • Work
    • Oxford.AI, Amazon Ltd, Horizon
  • Education
    • University of Leeds
    • Saïd Business School
    • Nuffield College, Oxford