Eddie See
Kajang, Selangor
Desperation drove me to research about panacea for diabetes. I drastically changed my diet skewed to vegetables and fruits. I also started with some simple probiotic diet of homemade yogurt, a little bit of soft fermented cheese, korean kimchi, fermented bean curds, red yeast bean curds and organic chinese pickles. I made sauerkraut to go with my meat dishes. I learn to like Indian lemon and mango spiced pickles. Fish now mainly replace meat dishes.
I supplemented pure dark chocolate for beverages. I also tried brewing kompucha green tea and made fruits or vegetables enzymes ferments. Honey with lemon/lime is also a staple. Once a week, i dilute bamboo salt with organic apple cider for electrolye replenishment of trace minerals.
The most important thing to do daily; ride a bicycle or like I do, ride an excercise bike till the sweat from your forehead drips down to your navel. That is the measure you must do to ensure you excercise enough.
Noticeably, I lost 10kg in 6 months. And my blood sugar level dropped to a consistent range of between 7 to 8 mml. And my blood pressure is now 125/85 and pulse rate of 72 on average.
Simultaneously and alongside the probiotic protocol and consistent excercise to sweat out, I also started an intake of a specifically concocted vitamins protocol of Vitamin C with L-lysine & L-proline, Vitamin E with lecithin, full B-complex, chromium GTF, Vitamin liquid D3 enriched with Cal-Mag and C-Q10.
The most symptomatic signs I had was, my feet healed completely and they smelled good now. If you faced what I did, just do the above and you will be able to achieve a good to excellent health status within 6 months. I have been off priscription medication since 2011.
If we do meet, it will cost you only a cuppa to thank me!