Shannon Scott

Amherst, Massachusetts, United States

Shannon Scott

Amherst, Massachusetts, United States

"I consider my ability to arouse enthusiasm among my people my greatest asset I possess, and the way to develop the best that is in a person is by appreciation and encouragement. I am hearty in my probation and lavish in my praise."- Charles Schwab

I have a passion for fashion and motivating others. My goal is to create and own a company that empowers women to live up to their fullest potential. I aim to develop a clothing line/ boutique that will cateer to women that exceed the standard size clothing model. For years the fashion industry has ignored the plus size segment of the market. I hope to inspire women of all sizes to feel confident in themselves by giving them fabulous apparel options which mainstream clothing companies have failed to provide.

I also enjoy traveling, good food, music, photography, and marketing.

Connect with me

  • Education
    • University of Massachusetts, Amherst