
Consultant, Writer, and Small Business Owner in the United States

Shannon is a published author of Transformation: Reinventing the Woman Within with Professional Woman's Network. She is the owner of Writer's ETC, a service company that specializes in Editing and Proofreading, Business Card Design, Business Plan/Proposals, Marketing Materials, Business Correspondence, Small Business Consulting, Specialized Business Seminars, and Personal Development Seminars. You may have seen her on HuffPost Live discussing Resumes.

Shannon has clients in various Industries such as Childcare/Aftercare, Credit Consulting, Photography, Property Management, Plumbing, Music, Religious Organizations, Marketing, Service Maintenance, and Medical just to name a few.

As a professional, Shannon has worked in the Educational Industry for over 9 years and have functioned as a Grant Administrator, Administrative Assistant, Trainer/Instructor, Advisor, HR Onboarding Specialist and HR Hiring Committee Member.

Shannon also develops and facilitates customized seminars such as Journaling for the Soul, Use your skills to become a contractor, Entrepreneurship, Is it for you, Creating an online presents.

  • Education
    • Bachelor's of Organizational Management, MBA (Currently Pursing)