Shannon Wise

Teacher, Public Speaker, and Life Coach in SAN FRANCISCO

Shannon Wise

Teacher, Public Speaker, and Life Coach in SAN FRANCISCO

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Driven, caring, and resilient, Shannon's knowledge and professionalism are supported by over 12 years of experience in the nonprofit social services sector. Shannon currently serves as a Housing & Financial Counselor at the San Francisco Housing Development Corporation (SFHDC) and facilitates weekly support groups for women.

Ms. Wise finished her Bachelor’s degree from San Francisco State University in Liberal Studies with an emphasis in Creative Arts (2003), and a Master’s degree in Nonprofit Administration from the University of San Francisco (2011).

In 2011, Ms. Wise co-founded Solutions for Women ( a grassroots, San Francisco based, nonprofit serving women. Her focus at Solutions for Women has been to teach women life skills, help them develop self esteem and provide emotional support needed to live strong, independent lives as they transition back to being healthy, law abiding citizens.

"......your story is my story. Together we are women...."

  • Education
    • MNA -Nonprofit Administration
    • PWN Certified Women's Empowerment Coach