Sharika Stanford

Accountant and Blogger in Boston, Massachusetts

Sharika Stanford

Accountant and Blogger in Boston, Massachusetts

Read my blog

Hi, I’m Sharika Stanford, a Barbadian born dream chaser who now resides in the USA ( don’t get it twisted I will forever be an island girl).

Tryin’ Uh Thing has been a thought of mine for about two years now. At that time I was back home in Barbados and surrounded by friends who had small businesses. Their journeys to becoming business owners were all different but interesting enough to make me want to share their stories. I remembered brainstorming this idea with my neighbour and by the end of our session I had a list of other people in my community who I could interview as well. I was so excited and I could remember wanting to turn the idea into a YouTube series with the first season featuring persons in my community and the second season persons throughout the island.

So where’s the YouTube channel? To be honest life and school got in the way and before I knew it I was on a new chapter and a new adventure in the US working to build my career in the finance industry but the idea of Tryin’ Uh Thing had never left my mind. So after getting settled I decided to work on the idea but instead of a YouTube channel I created a blog site. TA DA!!! So that’s how we got to this point.

As I said earlier I will forever be an island girl and a part of my culture is the way we speak hence Tryin’ Uh Thing seemed like a fitting name for my blog. The name simply means ‘trying something’ Before an idea can be a success one must first make an effort to try something with their idea and work so hard at it that it starts to make a difference in the their lives and those around them.

Through this site I hope is to showcase the many beautiful stories of persons who turned their dreams into reality. It’s so easy for us to find the stories of Steve Job or J K Rowlings or Michael Jordan but how many of us know the stories of persons from our community who did the same thing. Their stories may not be publicized to the magnitude of these other dream chasers but their journey is just as interesting.

So follow me on this journey as I find interesting stories of people Tryin’ Uh Thing and making their dreams a reality. Follow my blog and don’t forget to share these amazing stories.



  • Education
    • University of the West Indies