Sharon Dodua Otoo
Writer in Berlin, Deutschland
Sharon Dodua Otoo
Writer in Berlin, Deutschland
Media contact:
I typically describe myself as a Black British mother, activist, author and editor. Black is deliberately written with a capital B.
Parenting is the single most important thing I do. With each child I have, I hope to get better at it.
Apart from that, I edit the book series Witnessed. Editing is something I like doing a lot. I love writing though.
My first novella the things i am thinking while smiling politely was published in February 2012 (edition assemblage). The German language translation die dinge, die ich denke, während ich höflich lächle by Mirjam Nuenning, appeared in October 2013. My latest novella Synchronicity was illustrated by Sita Ngoumou (and again translated into German by Mirjam) appeared in August 2014 and was published in English at the end of 2015 with the title Synchronicity - the original story. The German language translations are now available in Fischer Verlag.
...and I like hard-boiled eggs.
* Ingeborg Bachmann Preis, 2016
* Stipendium Deutscher Literaturfonds, 2018
* Tagewerk (Rinke Stiftung), 2019
Picture credit: Sabrina Richmann, 2019