Shaun Barker

Software Engineer, Consultant, and Director in Teignmouth, Devon

I am a lean evangelist that loves life, travel and of course work. My professional life migrated (oddly) from journalism into software engineering, and later management. My journey has been a fast paced and crazy time! I have at times been a developer, designer, mentor and coach, project manager, scrum master, tech director, and now a senior manager. What always matters to me most is getting the job done right. What makes me tick is - people. If you surround yourself with great people you can achieve the unimaginable - and with this you can always aim higher than you ever thought possible. Even software is a people first domain in my opinion, so I tend to focus on people over process, and doing-the-right-thing-right.

  • Education
    • Cardiff University (MSc, BA hons)