Shaun Paul

Boston, Massachusetts

Shaun Paul

Boston, Massachusetts

Pioneer in Social Finance for Tropical Conservation and Rural Livelihoods. Seasoned Manager, Passionate Pragmatist, Visionary Collaborator, Catalytic Communicator. Agriculture, Forestry and Indigenous Peoples in Latin America Expert.

I am passionately focused on impact investing with Reinventure Capital that empowers investors to engage in catalytic change to build the new economy by fostering innovation through business for a prosperous and thriving world. Beginning in 2012, I partnered with Good Capital and other pioneering impact investors to establish Reinventure Capital to shift capital flows to investments promoting inter-generational well-being. We seek to

  • Re-imagine — business innovations for the new economy in the world of 2030.
  • Re-invent — our legacy economy with new rules driven by values that redefine economic models, rethinking industry sectors and investment portfolio construction.
  • Regenerate — dynamic thriving living systems that increase social, economic, and ecological equity.

I come to this practice from 25 years of professional and highly entrepreneurial experience in private finance, philanthropy and international rural development. I have supported the creation and growth of dozens of for-profit and nonprofit companies. In 1992, I co-founded and led the EcoLogic Development Fund for nearly 20 years to empower rural and Indigenous Peoples to integrate community-led development and conservation. Beginning in 1999, I guided the launch and seven-year incubation of Root Capital, which has now provided more than $509 million in loans benefiting 428 small and growing businesses in Latin America and Africa. In 2006, I founded Pico Bonito Forests LLC to commercially restore habitat in Honduras through reforestation, agroforestry and the creation of carbon credits.

I also currently serve as a Research Fellow at the Global Development and Environment Institute at Tufts Universityto deepen understanding of investment metrics driving transformational regenerative behavior. In addition, I am a board member of International Funders for Indigenous People and Accelerating Appalachia growing early-stage nature-based companies, as well as a nominator for the Goldman Environmental Prize.

  • Work
    • Reinventure Capital
  • Education
    • American University
    • University of Michigan