Shawna Ogston


Call 1-403-870-2009

Your directors want to be in the news. You need critical funding.

You know awareness leads to donors. But where do you even start?

You need PR now. And I can help.

I have a specialized communication skill set: the ability to see newsworthy stories, craft the messages that will be heard, connect to the right people and determine the communication channels to deliver them.


Shawna Ogston communications & media relations

Specializing in nonprofit communications - telling the stories of the great things happening in our communities!

  • PR planning guidance
  • Story development ideas
  • Editing or auditing of your communications
  • Social content creation and ideas
  • On-site media relations support
  • Interview training
  • Advice on how and to whom to pitch media angles
  • Ideas on how to stay top-of-mind outside your events/campaigns
  • Access to proven processes and trusted resources

Imagine accessing senior-level Communications, Media Relations and PR expertise for a fraction of salary or agency costs.

Keep your time and money for the important programs and services you provide to the community!

Get the personal attention and idea generation from someone who has “been there and done that.”

Ready to get your stories in the media?

Call or text me today! 1-403-870-2009

  • Work
    • Communications