Shay Elise

I am an optimistic person who enjoys reading, writing, coffee, spaghetti, and carmel apples. I dream of being an English professor one day and of being someone that people can look up to and admire.

I dwell in SoCal where I spend my days with my boyfriend of two and a half years and playing video games and collecting Pokemon cards. I do not watch much television (although I have taken a liking to Teen Wolf, oops!) but I adore Netflix. I will be attending Santa Ana College in the fall where I will be working on trasnferring to UCI or Chapman University as an English major. I then plan on minoring or double majoring in Animal Sciences.

I am not a complex person but I do have complex ideas. I am Afakasi (Samoan/White). I come from the Tamasese and Purcell families. I have various quirks: I find touching food repulsive, I enjoy even numbers, I chew exclusively on my right side, I don't feel complete unless I have a piece of clothing on that's black, and I hate acronyms but I use them so I don't sound uptight.

  • Education
    • Santa Ana College