Shirley Husar
Shirley Husar
Columnist Writer Urban Game Changer Washington Times Communities and licensed real estate agent, CEO of URBAN GAME CHANGER living in Los Angeles, California. Personal Appointed by the 38th Governor Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger to the position of Governor Appointee Board Member for The Geologists and The Geophysicists for the State of California Governor Appointee Board Member served for 4 years.
Server as a California Republican Party Delegate for 10 years and was an RNC Delegate for 2004. Follower Shirley at Twitter, Facebook and her blog, Urban; The National known Hip Hop Republican.TV and Hip Hop
Conservative Republican Political Consultant Pundit, Barter System Digital Marketing Strategist, Inspirational Entrepreneurship, Real Estate Sales.
Urban Game Changers: Voices making a difference ~We are Independents, Libertarians and Republicans United~
We will not be televised we will be webvised, we will be heard online through bloggers, videos, e-mails and text messages, twitters, Facebook and more.
We will no longer be shut out - we are the voices of the 21 century and we will be heard.
Get on board, Urban Game Changer has a ticket for you
The Underground Railroad was a network of secret routes and safe houses used by 19th-century black slaves in the United States to escape to free states and Canada with the aid of abolitionists and allies who were sympathetic to their cause. We still have a cause today with conservative Libertarians, Independents and Republicans.
So people get ready: there's a train coming you do not need tickets, you just get on board.
Urban communities across the country are laying down a new set of railroad tracks for underground movement and GOP people are getting on board.
Offices in: California, Florida, Texas, New York and Atlanta
For many across the United States, she is a delegate for the California Republican Party and a Republican strategist for years. She is an outspoken Republican personality, nationally known for her work as a talk-show host and Republican supporter.
She is a conservative leader that understands that the Republican Party of 2010 that understands the need to have a new connectivity and relationship model in place between Republican candidates and voters within California’s urban communities. Shirley understands that Los Angeles County political lea