Shockwave Defense™

concealed carry classes in USA

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UNLEASH YOUR INNER GUARDIAN TAKE CONTROL: KEEP YOURSELF, YOUR LOVED ONES & YOUR LIVELIHOOD SAFE. No matter what threat you face, we want you to be as ready as possible to protect yourself, your loved ones, your livelihood, and to confidently safeguard against a threat as quickly as possible. The Shockwave Defense™ team values real life experience over all else, especially when it comes to conflict. All coaches are highly experienced in their professions. Our main objective is to offer you the training you need to protect yourself, your livelihood, & your loved ones. You can obtain a mental fortitude that focuses your energy in the most efficient manner possible, in the least amount of time, with the right coaching.

Contact Us:

Shockwave Defense™
Address: 637 Broadway Boulevard Southeast, Albuquerque, NM 87102, USA
Phone: (505) 718-4500
Email: [email protected]