Matt Hamilton

Teacher in Saline, Michigan

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Click "View my photos" above to see my classroom Instagram with photos of my students working and my professional reflections/microblog.

Hi! I'm Matt Hamilton. I teach English courses at Saline High School. I completed my undergraduate and graduate degrees at Eastern Michigan University with certifications in secondary ELA and History and a MA in Social Foundations of Education, and have been teaching a variety of English core courses and electives since. I love working to make my classroom more student-centered and more reflective of diverse 21st-century communities, and I am passionate about educating my students for global citizenship and social change. I am a teacher ambassador for #TeachSDGs, a #TeachPride founder, and a teacher consultant for the National Writing Project. I love taking walks with my family, cooking cultural foods, and listening to U2.

Get in touch with me:
@mhamiltonedu on Twitter and Instagram
[email protected]

Teaching Schedule:

1st Trimester
1st & 2nd: Blended English 10
3rd: Blended College Writing
4th: Student Leadership
5th: Plan

2nd Trimester
1st & 2nd: Blended English 10
3rd: English 10
4th: Plan
5th: English 11: American Literature

3rd Trimester
1st: English 10
2nd: English 10
3rd: Plan
4th: Grammar and Composition
5th: English 10

My lesson plans and course materials are available on PowerSchool Learning and are accessible by students currently enrolled in my courses.


Check out the resources at The World's Largest Lesson and #TeachSDGs - let's meet all of the Global Goals by 2030!

  • Work
    • Saline High School