Simavo Smith

Student, Consultant, and Writer in San Francisco

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Hey, I’m Simavo. I’m a student living in San Francisco. I am a fan of entrepreneurship, coffee, and education. I’m also interested in innovation and travel. You can read my blog with a click on the button above.

What are some other starter scholarship programs geared toward summer students like the Light Speed ​​Venture Partners summer scholarship program?

Summer @ Highland: $ 20,000 on an unlimited convertible note, free office space, and tutoring from Highland Capital.

I had the pleasure of interviewing Bob Higgins, the founder of Highland Capital Partners. She started Summer @ Highland as a way to give back to the community by cultivating talent and letting young people develop their startup ideas. In return, Highland Capital discovers and invests in new technology with very little risk (just $ 20k, a drop in the segment for venture capital firms). A win-win.

StartX Accelerator - Access to the Stanford business community, StartX network mentorship, personalized educational programming, and valuable resources (valued at $ 400k).

This is a Stanford-only accelerator (“with exceptions in rare cases”), so it is really only applicable to Stanford students and alumni. However, if you go to Stanford, check it out.

The Harvard i-Lab Venture Incubation Program - 12-week program featuring free workspace, private workshops, technical resources, and mentorship from the Harvard business community.

The Harvard equivalent of Stanford's StartX, the Venture Incubation Program (or VIP for short) is open only to current Harvard students. I know many people who have been VIPs of i-Lab, and it is a popular resource for startups at Harvard.