Sirena Alise


Sirena Alise is a Professional Athlete, CEO of OBI Marketing, Inc. and creator of The Starter App.

A little bit about me, I currently run for a professional track club in the San Diego area as a 100 Hurdler with aspirations of make team USA in 2016. When I am not on the track I am managing and creating websites and social media campaigns for entrepreneurs and small businesses. I also run an online marketing and business building blog, which teaches people how to create their own information products and niche websites and details everything they need to know about how to thrive in the online world.

Through experience with my personal blogs and business, on top of the work I have done for various clients ranging from: the creation of company blogs, email marketing campaigns, social media campaigns, paid advertising (PPC, PPV, CPM, Solo Ads, etc.), content creation, product creation and graphic design. I have picked up many skills that have allowed me to find ways to continue to pursue my true love, hurdling.

  • Work
    • Professional Athlete
  • Education
    • University of California , Davis