
Small Business Owner in United Kingdom

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Small business owner who is also chronically ill & disabled. By shopping with me you are supporting a disabled creator who is struggling to get by.

I am selling printable planners & physical books including colouring books & journals.

I recently added jewellery to my shop! Very excited about this!

Here is a bit of info about my shop & me.

My Store

If you are looking for printable planners, or physical books such as journals, kids colouring books & more to come, then you have found the right person!

I also recently added some jewellery!, Mainly just earrings so far.

Right now you can buy printable planners but I am going to be adding more & more over time, so please follow me & you can keep updated on my business & journey.

I have so many ideas & so much more to come over the upcoming months. I just need time to work on it which is longer than a non-chronically ill & disabled person as it takes me much longer to design & make items as I have such limited energy & severe pain every second.

My health limits me massively, but I am working on new items every day!

Please recommend me to friends if you enjoy my work as I could do with referrals to grow.

My Health Issues & Lack Of Money

Having tried everything in the past to try to earn money such as blogging, competitions, streaming, crafts etc.
But none worked which is why I initially opened my store in the hopes of earning some money for heating in winter, food etc, as I am struggling to survive with even worsened severely after the cost of living crisis hiked up the cost of everything dramatically.

I can't work due to the extreme severity of the multiple chronic illnesses including severe chronic pain & chronic fatigue & I am housebound, so this is my only job & only chance of earning a living.

I live on just a little over £300 a month total income, which is so bad that I am classed as in poverty. I can't get a penny more due to rules regarding national insurance credits, so I am left struggling to afford even food!

I can't even afford to have the heating on in winter even though at home 24 hours a day due to disability & even though it is around 3c-5c inside throughout winter & often most of the year. I am scared for winter due to this.
The house is below the minimal temperature that is safe.

I have even been warned by my Dr about extreme low temps indoors & about the damp & mould which both could kill me.

  • Work
    • SirenBlossoms