Siren HellVixen

Twitch Streamer in England

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My name is SirenHellVixen & I am a Twitch variety streamer.

I stream many different games such as RPG, Simulation, FPS, & so much more!
I play new games & also older games.

I am also severely chronically ill & disabled & streaming is my only job as I am unable to work due to the severity of my conditions.

I have severe chronic pain & severe chronic fatigue that leave me in extreme pain & extremely exhausted beyond belief, both every second of every day!
I am on the strongest painkiller available Fentanyl & Morphine too. I can barely move & am in agony.

Every stream requires 3 DAYS bedbound, soon to be 4 days! Just for streaming for 2-3 hours.
That is how incredibly hard it is for me to stream! I usually breakdown in tears afterwards from the extreme pain, & I head to bed after dinner for 3-4 days bedbound.

I live in poverty on a little over £300 a month which means I don't have enough money to survive & if I didn't live here, I would be homeless as I can't afford rent on that, let alone rent, food, bills etc!

I started streaming in October 2019 as a as form of contact to the outside world, being housebound & also to earn money as my only job as I live in poverty & cannot get by as it is.

I can't even afford to put the heating on even though it is 3c-7c INSIDE right now before we even get to December! I am wrapped up in 2 blankets, a duvet, 3 layers of clothes 1 layer of which is thermal top & leggings, 2 layers of socks plus a hot water bottle 365 days a year!

It is -6c outside today & a high of -1. It is this temp most of the week so I am terrified as I can't afford any heat!

I am honest & have always said that money is the main reason I stream as I cannot work & have no way to make money due to the severity of my health issues, so I stream for money.
Sadly, I don't get much although I constantly say that no one ever has to help & you should look after yourself first! But if you want to help & have money to spare, I greatly appreciate any support such as subs, bits or donations.

ALL earnings go on heating, food etc. Essentials I need to survive, all things I CANNOT afford.

If you ever support me via subscriptions or bits on Twitch or tips, you are literally putting food on the table & allowing me heat!

If you aren't bothered about ad free viewing on Twitch or Twitch emotes, subscribing monthly via Ko-Fi is the best way as they take just 5% which is MUCH less than the 50% that Amazon take!