Skuta Ntwene

Producer, Sound Engineer, and Creative Maniac in Tema, Ghana🇬🇭

Skuta Ntwene

Producer, Sound Engineer, and Creative Maniac in Tema, Ghana🇬🇭

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Skuta Ntwene further known as Maxwell Fiifi Buadu is a phenomenal music producer, an artist and an ingenious graphic designer who is Creatively maniacal, currently residing at Golf City within the Tema metropolis, Ghana.

I am the CEO of Steel Black Incorporated, a music production house and a label with the tagline "Creativity runs wild".

Specialized in the production of high-quality audio works of art including music, instrumentals, Jingles, voice-over, Ads, IVR, and also motion graphics.

By genre of music Afro Pop, Hip Hop, RnB, drill, New Age, Trap, Reggae, and Dancehall is my line of interest. Hence, I furthermore, engage in striking impressions from clients to deliver the best of services.

I officially look forward to work with top-notched and talented upcoming artists all over the world 🌍
You can click the button above to listen to my music.

  • Work
    • Steel Black Incorporated™