Smart Psoriasis Diet

Smart Psoriasis Diet website in the United States

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Smart Psoriasis Diet website was founded in 2013 by John Redfern, a frustrated psoriasis sufferer who was sick and tired of numerous doctors and leading dermatologists informing him that diet and lifestyle had ZERO impact with his psoriasis.

All they would do is prescribe steroid cream after steroid cream and when that didn't work anymore, they prescribed oral medications that suppress your immune system and lead to more side effects than skin benefits.

So after 16 years of listening to doctors, the decision was made to ditch their advice and begin some personal trials and experiments. What was there to lose, my psoriasis couldn’t have got any worse.

Thankfully now, my psoriasis is under control. This does not mean that I am fully clear for 12 months a year, but it means I have less than 20% coverage at worse, and fully clear at best over the course of 12 months.

This is a vast improvement from being covered 80% on average over the course of 12 months before I started my journey of self-discovery.

You can read my exact journey of how I was able to control my psoriasis on the Smart Psoriasis Diet website. If I can do it, you can do it too.