Savanna Moss

My Very Brief Bio

So, thanks for stopping by to see a little about me!! Lubbock, Texas is my home and it is from here that I can reach out through social media and see friends and family all across the state OR world for that matter!! My life was blessed with two beautiful daughters from a first marriage. Unfortunately, my knight in shining armor rusted out!! I was a single parent for a awhile. Thank goodness for my Mom and Dad who helped me get my feet back on the ground and provide a home for the children. That's when I met Walter, my boss at Albertson's!!! Didn't take me long to see a spark there!! He also had been through sad times with a previous marriage. He had three daughters that he loved so very much. We spent hours together sharing memories of past events, great times!! We joined forces, haha! Now we have five daughters and seven grandchildren!!! What a life! Five daughters and a wife makes him a 'six pack daddy'!!! Love it!

I am a very happy lady with a LOT to be thankful for!! My life has been blessed with so many memories and everyday is another adventure!!
I've done the routine things that everyone is taught as children to do. You know , go to school, make good grades and get a good job! Well, been there – done that. Now what? Along the way, I have loved and been loved. Experiencing the birth of my children and being a parent has been the most incredible time in my life. Now I'm watching my Grandchildren grow like weeds and another chapter is being written in my life!!

My passion has always been children. I specialized in early childhood education and owned my own school/daycare! I have volunteered as a CASA, Court Appointed Special Advocate, and I have seen pain and sadness at it's worst. The look on a child's face when they are taken away from the only home they know and are not sure about their future. I have seen child abuse and neglect that would be hard for most of us to believe and I helped, in such a small way, to change that.

I have owned food concessions. Had my own cleaning service with incredible people working with me. I have worked as an express checker at a large grocery store, Albertson's, where I met my love, Walter!

I have traveled and seen a lot of this beautiful world and now it's time for me to settle down!! I am officially retired! But wait, I can't stop now!

I have worked for someone else and I have owned my own business