Sophie SIMON
Spira Royaume Des Dragons Azeroth Westeros Albion Avalon Camelot Hogwarts Rivendall in Middle-Earth
Sophie SIMON
Spira Royaume Des Dragons Azeroth Westeros Albion Avalon Camelot Hogwarts Rivendall in Middle-Earth
In West Philadelphia born and raised. On the playground where I spent much of my days... I'm not the Prince of Bel-Air. Not born on the USA like Bruce Springsteen. I was raised by wolves in Mother Russia, during my teenagehood I joined the communist party, and crushed the tchetchenes with my life-long friend Vladimir Poutine. On my free-time, I like cooking cupcakes for the comrades, and making huge quantity of napalm with orange juice, palm oil and black powder from magic board, you know, those stuff we give to lil'kids, waiting in the hospital rooms. Well, I didn't reach 250 words yet, so what can I share to the rest of the world ?? Yeah. You know what really grinds my gears ? When grannies go shopping at my butcher, bakery, or supermaket at 6pm. 6pm dude, god damn ! They have all their time, and they deliberately wait for the end of my working day, it's a scandal ! And what the government do for us ? Nothing ! People of earth, raise up for your right !