Sorol Bro

Web Developer, Software Engineer, and Project Manager in Bangladesh

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Hello, I’m Sorol. I’m a Facebook page developer living in Bangladesh. I am a fan of photography, technology, and design. I’m also interested

A Facebook page is a public profile specifically created for celebrities, causes, and other organizations. Unlike personal profiles, pages do not gain "friends," but "fans" - which are people who choose to "like" a page. Pages can gain an unlimited number of fans, differing from personal profiles, which has had a 5,000 friend maximum put on it by Facebook. Pages work similarly to profiles, updating users with things such as statuses, links, events, photos and videos. This information appears on the page itself, as well as in its fans' personal news feeds. Like My page #SOROL BRO Contant Post,Photos,And videos Etc.

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Phone: +880 1855-762342