Sotiris Karagiannis

Innovator and Serial Entrepreneur in Thessaloniki, Greece

Visit my website

Hi. I am Sotiris Karagiannis, an #Ai fanatic (now called e/acc)!

Cisco’s @SusieWee once tagged me on Twitter as the “modern greek philosopher, practitioner and developer” and that stuck with me :)

My friends at Edinburgh University were calling me "aisk" because of my obsession with AI !

Being an early EdinburghUni AI alumnus I am trying my best to help shape a future where Artificial Intelligence will assist humans and help them achieve more.
I am twitting daily at @skaragiannis about
#futureofwork #startups #Ai

Optimist, Greek

I am leading Technology Innovation as a #ChiefInnovationOfficer, always an #Entrepreneur and a passionate tech #geek with an all-consuming almost destructive need to win my missions.

I've been a #coder, a #hacker, a doer, a mentor. Always an optimist.

I am a proud dad, seeking a better future for my daughter and teens of the world.

I was born and raised in Greece, studied A.I. at Eduni, UK (Edinburgh University), working closely with Silicon Valley people and startups.

My vision is to change the way people work, collaborate and share knowledge by capturing, contextualizing and transforming this collective knowledge into actionable intelligence via #Ai.

also, the past 7 years I’m active on the issue on how to make cities Safer for women via technolog, data and #AI and Citizen participation

Contact me if you think you can help or you want help on the above. My DMs are open at @skaragiannis


  • Education
    • University of Edinburgh