Lindsey M Soukup


"I may not be perfect, but parts of me are pretty awesome!! ~Anonymous

I am one of a kind * funny * Love the 80's * great listener * UnIqUe * PB&J are the bestest * love the smell of rain and freshly cut grass * well organized * can always use a dose of FUN! * butterflies * CHICAGO * Blackhawks * drinking games * the color blue * self-motivated * spontaneous * water skiing * SMILING * all four seasons * quoting movies * road trips * ♥ swedish fish * I can read a map * running * Western Illinois University * ♥ Firefighters * Da Bears * learned to play cards at the age of 5 by my grandmother * love children * Aries * movies * chips & salsa * music * skylines * watching the sunrise * wishing upon stars * gerbra daisies are my favorite * dancing * singing * scotch * concerts * wine * Sushi * ♥ spicey foods * spooning * know sign language * I'm stubborn * once set my hair on fire * ♥ learning about people * had 11 stitches near my left eye * family * my friends * tailgating * being random * taking pictures * drawing * Cubs * making someone laugh * =) * silly puddy * the number 13 * I cry during movies even during Hallmark commercials * my hero is my grandpa * beer * I once gave a fish a bubble bath.... not good! * 5 second rule applies * I am moody * ♥ thunderstorms * hate clowns * ♥ accessories * leaves changing colors * bubble wrap = awesome * ♥ Ketchup * circus peanuts * The Slowsky's * first snow fall * can change a tire * daydreaming * never owned my own car * Cheetos * kissing * brownies * snowball fights * the beach * museums * ♥ mustard * Corona * Twizzlers * Limes * boardwalk * pictures * flip-flops * Chicago's subway series * baseball * basketball * Vodka * Happy Hour * orange sherbert with gummie bears * and living life and trying to figure out my calling on this earth.

  • Education
    • Bachelor Degree of Science in Recration, Parks & Tourism Administration (RPTA) at Western Illinois University