Spark Dog Firearms

Project Manager in Tempe, Arizona

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We here at Sparkdog Firearms are patriotic, and love and respect America, our Constitution, our police, firefighters and military. We believe that the 2nd Amendment protects an individual right to bear arms, among other reasons, for protection of ourselves and our loved ones, and our communities.

Moreover, Sparkdog firearms is best characterized by tolerance. We know that many gun owners don’t fit the typical mold. Some of us have been made uncomfortable, or downright been discriminated against, or threatened, because of our religions, sexual or gender identities, or racial identities. Some of us prefer to take our gun business to a politically liberal business.

This is where Sparkdog Firearms comes in. When you shop with us, your money will not go to support insurrection, the NRA, or discriminatory policies. We want you to feel safe and secure shopping with us. If you’ve ever felt uncomfortable, or singled out, in a gun store, or at a range, we are here to help. Both liberals and conservatives are welcome here, so long as you are tolerant and law-abiding!

The owner of Sparkdog Firearms identifies as a pro-gun Democrat, as a religious minority, has two graduate degrees, and is a Constitutional law buff.

If you need help finding a product, just want to share a gun related experience, want to discuss Con law and firearms, or just want to chat, please be in touch!