Justin Taylor
Writer, Student, and Small Business Owner in Klamath Falls, Oregon
You can find many ways to contact me for business, personal or otherwise all in one place by clicking the link above. Or you can just send me a quick email message, by clicking the link on the bottom left, yes the little mail icon.
If you visit my website above, it's a great way to text me, call me, or like on this page, you can connect to me via many different social media services. Basically, if you can't find it here, then you can probably find links to pretty much everything else in my digital life there. Why not try it right now!!
My personal blog is: http://speakingbadger.com however it may not be online right now, but when it is, there is a little bit more about me there. I've been very negligent in blogging and keeping it up to date, even when it is available.
Keep in mind that any search for SpeakingBadger, will always help you find me. You might note all my social media profiles listed on this page use that name... Making it easy as ever to find and connect with me.
Most importantly what you should know is that I'm a business minded person, with a lot interests, skills, and passions. I know how to drive traffic to customers to help them grow. If you want more customers, contact me and I'll help you.
Too add a bit more, some of my other passions are Marketing of all types, writing, speaking, politics, starting businesses, consulting, coaching, helping people, and meeting new people... Having fun and playing on and offline... I also really enjoy time home with my service dog Rocket and taking daily walks with him through the neighborhood. .