Spinal Energetics

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Hello, and welcome to the transformative world of Spinal Energetics, a holistic healing modality designed to elevate your wellbeing in a unique and profound way. Imagine a therapeutic journey where your body's innate ability to heal is harnessed through the art and science of Spinal Energetics. This ground-breaking holistic therapy rebalances the intricate connection between your spine, nervous system, energy centres, subtle bodies and vital life force.

About Spinal Energetics

Spinal Energetics is a gentle yet powerful healing system that uses a mixture of eastern and western disciplines to realign the energies of the body. It is not a treatment that is done to you - it is a energetic interaction between the therapist and the client. Spinal Energetics can help you to awaken the natural healing potential that lies dormant within you. It can heal the root cause of your issues, and not just ease the symptoms. Working holistically at every level of your being - body, energy, heart, mind and soul - together we dive deeply into your body, heart, mind and soul. Profound changes require us to go deep, because that is where the magic happens and the deep transformations occur. I am here to provide support and guidance as we navigate your journey of authentic and lasting change.

Spinal Energetics unlocks your body's innate wisdom and potential for healing and wellbeing. It heals imbalances and traumas at the intersection of science and spirituality - where your nervous system interfaces with your chakras and subtle bodies.

Spinal Energetic can help you to unpack and heal the issues, patterns, motions and beliefs that limit you and your life. It can penetrate deep into your subconscious, and it can tap into your super-consciousness or "higher self" to activate and embody higher qualities that can benefit you every day of your life.

Why Choose Spinal Energetics?

Experience the transformative potential of Spinal Energetics with Lee Bladon, who offers both online and in-person sessions (in Grantham, Lincolnshire) to support your holistic wellbeing.

Spinal Energetics is rooted in the understanding that the spine serves as a gateway to physical, energetic, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Lee brings a deep understanding of the spine's energetic dynamics and its impact on overall wellbeing.