Squall Ranger

Fanfiction Author in Manitoba

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I'm just a twenty-something living in Canada that's currently trying to figure out what they want in life and trying to be a better person. One of the things I know I wanna do is write self-indulgent fanfiction, mostly featuring my original fancharacters and romance. My preferred genres are character focused; romance, slice-of-life, coming of age and friendships. Deep intricate plots and lots of action unfortunately aren't my forte, so you're probably better off with another author if that's your jam!

I've been writing since I was eleven and since then it's been a dream to one day publish a novel... Once I get around to actually plotting out and writing one.

Outside of writing, I have a penchant for doodling in MS Paint, reading about other people's characters, watching kid's media that I'm clearly too old for, 80s/90s aesthetics and trying to figure out how to make not complete garbage graphics.

You can hit me up at the following links below;


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