About Steve Mellinger

Stephen T. Mellinger (or SteveMellinger) Operates client centered companies under The Mellinger CompaniesGroup (DBA). (ProfessionalAdvisor Network, Inc., IntellectualProperty Management Services, LTD, Intellectual Property ManagementServices International, LTD, TheFoundation for Advanced Philanthropy, Inc., Solar Development Partners, LLC,Global Microgrid Systems, LLC, PrivateInvestment Partners, LLC. Some subsidiaries and affiliate companies havebeen formed to meet strategic purposes including Accounts Receivable InvestmentAssociates, LLC. Clients are successful business owners and professionals whoseek solutions to help them maximize business interests and strategies whileproblem solving issues around money on a continuum from start up to exit. Hisbusiness operation was relocated to the Austin Texas area from Indiana. Hisbusiness affiliations and locations have been in Michigan, California, Indianaand Texas but works with clients throughout the United States and globally.Steve’s initial 30 years in business were devoted to building and developing0ne of the largest financial services firms in Los Angeles, CA. That workenabled the development of a global network of Attorney’s, CPA’s, MoneyManagers, Financial Planners, Planned Giving, Capital Markets and insuranceadvisors. Today this is formalized as Professional Advisors Network, Inc.

Steve was both very active in theno-profit world for several years in Los Angeles and completed the CertifiedSpecialist in Planned Giving designation stimulating the interest to form TheFoundation for Advanced Philanthropy, Inc. & its (DAF) Donor Advised Fundsto serve clients and causes. Additional education within the financial servicesindustry include (CLU) Chartered Life Underwriter and (CLF) CharteredLeadership Fellow. Today it works closely with business owners in furtheringthe concept of Venture Philanthropy with the purpose or generating sustainablerevenue for causes versus the predominant model of fundraising.

The raising global recognition and need for Intellectual Property Managementfor our clients has been addres