Stacy Leininger

The Kick Back Shack

Stacy Leininger

The Kick Back Shack

I challenge everything. If you tell me I cant, i will show you I can. I'm a huge pain in the ass. I refuse to grow up. I am 42, I don't look like & I don't act like it. I am living the way I want to live. My kids mean the world to me. They are the reason that i have fought so hard.....for what??? I was diagnosed at the age of 37 with stage 4 colon #Cancer that spread to my lungs. I have never walked away from a fight in my life & i'm not about to start. I have taught my kids never to give up, to never quit, & they don't know the meaning of I can't.

I have been doing chemo for the past 3 years. I was told that i would have less than 3 years to live, that only 5% of people with my type of cancer live past that and not to count on being part of that small percentage. Well how wrong they were, I'm still here, not only am i still here but my cancer has gone NED, which means no evidence of disease. Now i still have cancer, and i'm still terminal but as of right now they can not find my cancer growing anywhere in me. YES!!!! Stacy 1 - Cancer 0. I know eventually that this cancer will kick my ass but it aint getting it for free. It wants a fight then its got a fight. I have beaten all the odds, and they have been stacked against me. Then again just because it hasn't been beaten doesn't mean it cant be. In fact if anyone can kick cancers ass, Its me!! Most people hear the word cancer and they give up all hope and die quickly, its sad. Me, I'm like..Cancer...challenge accepted.

I have kept a great a attitude about it and i know that has huge factor on things. I know everything happens for a reason, i got no clue why this happened but i have some ideas. Better me than my parents, my kids, or my husband, or I don't think my husband could deal with what iv'e gone through, my dad says he couldn't have done it. I have an iron will. If i set out to do something I'm gonna do it come Hell or high water.

I also know that God isn't going to give me anything I can't handle. Even when I feel I'm on the edge about to fall into the abyss, I remember that one of two things is going happen. One, either God is gonna catch me or He is gonna teach me to fly.

  • Work
    • Cancer Warrior
  • Education
    • Graduate