Jason Rodriguez

Public Speaker and Techie in New York

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At 13 worked as a independent distributor selling merchandise for a start up record company in Hells Kitchen, NYC. Two weeks later and close to $2,000 in my pocket I declared "I will never work for the MAN!"

20+ years later here I'am the president of my own brand - "Me" That's right! I'm a brand and so are you. My brand consist of a strong sense of spirituality and family backbone. My brand's distribution of love for humanity is international. My brand's touch points are as follows: work hard, motivate, inspire and encourage.

Listen; the beginning is always the most challenging to start any business. But if you build your personal brand first. Set your goals and expectations. In time you will reap great rewards.

Past Projects: TEK BAR | Vanderheyden Hall | Americorps VISTA | Urban League | ACS

Current Project: Positive motivation, inspiration and story telling with a personal touch @TopicsCoffee


Want to be inspired? Want to motivate your team? emailme@jasonrodriguez.net or call 646-470-JROD (5763)

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    • Startup Business Guru