Stefania Gil

Writer in Spain

Stefania Gil

Writer in Spain

Read my book

Nació en Caracas, Venezuela. Estudió Diseño Gráfico y luego de dar muchos traspiés, descubrió que escribir, es su verdadera vocación. Es autora autopublicada de Romance y del subgénero Romance Paranormal. Le encanta leer y todo lo que sea místico y paranormal capta su atención de inmediato. Siente una infinita curiosidad por saber qué hay más allá de lo que no se puede ver a simple vista, y quizá eso, es lo que la ha llevado a realizar cursos de Tarot, Wicca, Alta Magia y Reiki. Actualmente, reside en la ciudad de Málaga con su esposo y su pequeña hija. Y desde su estudio con vista al mar, sigue escribiendo para complacer a sus lectores.

She was born in Caracas, Venezuela. She studied Graphic Design and after several tumbles in the corporate world she discovered that writing was her true passion and is what she now does full time. She is a self-published Romance and the sub-genre Paranormal Romance author. She loves to read, and everything paranormal and mystic catches her immediate attention. She feels an endless curiosity to know about the things that are beyond what we can understand. This had led her to take part in several courses in Tarot, Wicca, Alta Magia and Reiki. She currently lives in Malaga, Spain with her husband and baby daughter. From her study with a view to the ocean she continues to write to please her readers.