Stefan Leon
entrepreneur, Web Developer, and business developer in Pembroke Pines, Florida
Stefan Leon
entrepreneur, Web Developer, and business developer in Pembroke Pines, Florida
Entrepreneur | Weightlifter | Student of life
Hello there!
I'm content to share that I choose to be happy everyday. I strive to be the master of my thoughts. Some other things about me:
I'm quick to fall in love with people, things, and ideas, because there's euphoria in that. Currently, I'm in love with my startup - sofitU, weightlifting, and the acquisition of knowledge through reading. In general, my fire is most stoked by challenges and stopping to enjoy the breeze.
I'm fascinated by what us humans are able to achieve when we set our minds to something.
I enjoy intellectual conversations, particularly about human behavior and decision making, as well as daydreaming about the changes that a progressive generation is going to achieve.
I will one day learn to play the piano.