Stephanie McNeil

Realtor, Photographer, and Small Business Owner in 11021

Stephanie McNeil

Realtor, Photographer, and Small Business Owner in 11021

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Stephanie is the co-founder and resident associate broker at FILO Real Estate Group. She runs it with the principal broker and her husband, Ryan McNeil.

Stephanie is a mom of two, with a passion for real estate and exploring the cooler things in life. Always eager to inform, Stephanie wears many hats as the dare say "better half" of the husband and wife duo that make up the heart of FILO Real Estate Group.

Stephanie is a Realtor and has the following designations: Certified buyer representative (CBR), Commercial and Investment Real Estate Certified (CIREC), Real Estate Digital Marketer (REDM), Master Certified Negotiation Expert (MCNE), a notary, and is the contents and marketing developer at FILO Real Estate.

She is a professionally trained photographer and videographer with an eye for design and art. She is knowledgeable about pretty much everything in Residential Real Estate and anything within the walls of awesomeness: from the latest interior design trends to the most absurd baby toys around. She also enjoys spontaneous dance-offs with her 10-year-old daughter while running after her ever-energetic 6-year-old...and laughing at her own jokes (that aren't even funny). Much like real estate, it's what keeps this gal alive.

Stephanie is a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu with Renzo Gracie Bayside & the Bronx Martial Arts Academy, and an avid technology lover. When she's not being a super mom, Stephanie can be found toying with her camera, opening tabs to websites she finds interesting but will never go through, baking some new-fangled recipe on Pinterest or on the mats.

I'm all about building relationships and delivering happiness. Think we're a good fit?