Stephen St John

Pueblo, CO

Pastor Stephen St. John and his wife Jennifer dedicated their marriage to the Lord over 23 years ago. In that time the Lord has blessed them with seven children, five of whom still live at home: Jacob (15), Simon (13), Elijah (11), Grace (9), and Faith (7). Their oldest son, Joshua and his wife Cyd Marie both serve in the United States Navy. Stephen and Jennifer’s second oldest, Andrew, is a graduate of Bethlehem College in Minneapolis and is now pursuing further studies in engineering.

The Lord has blessed the St. Johns with many opportunities to serve Him. Out of college, they served for a year as missionaries in Madagascar before attending seminary in St. Louis. Stephen then taught in Christian schools for a few years before becoming becoming a pastor in Alabama. He then served an international church in Jakarta, Indonesia before moving to Pueblo, Colorado where he is Senior Pastor of Calvary Church.

Along with a passion for the local church, the St. Johns desire to minister to the needy in this world. Their interest in orphan care led them to adopt their youngest daughter from Vietnam. Stephen and Jennifer wanted to be a blessing to her, but say “the real blessing has been ours!”

Stephen and Jennifer love to spend their spare time together. They enjoy dates, walks, conversation, and good books. With five kids at home the St. Johns are a very active family! Stephen and the boys have taken up distance running over the past year. Although, according to Stephen, the boys run and he drags along behind. Life is never dull in the St. John household and they love to include others by having them in their home.

Stephen and Jennifer have adopted the Lord’s greatest commandment as their life motto: They want to glorify God by loving Him and loving others!