Stephie Braun
The thriving metropolis known as Boise, Idaho
Stephie Braun
The thriving metropolis known as Boise, Idaho
Stephie Braun is an ambitious and highly skilled Account Manager with over 12 years of experience in building and improving customer relations, transforming individuals and teams, and increasing efficiency and effectiveness. What distinguishes her from others in her field of expertise is her passion for people and her zeal for life. It's simple to explain why: She is a servant leader who places the needs of others first. Although her skill set is vast, her greatest expertise is in aligning strategy with culture and driving results.
In her spare time she enjoys traveling the world, immersing herself into other cultures and loving the people she meets. She believes the world is our grandest institution of instruction and learns to see the world through the eyes of others while allowing them to see the world through her own eyes. These brief interchanges leave a lasting impression on her heart, soul and mind and she hopes that she leaves an imprint on the hearts of others as well. To build and establish relationships without borders in unity and love is her life adventure and the cry of her heart!