Steve Pierce
Small Business Owner in Ann Arbor, Michigan
Steve Pierce
Small Business Owner in Ann Arbor, Michigan
I’m a music enthusiast with eclectic taste. I find classical music “the noblest of arts.” I’m a financial advisor and perpetually-aspiring tenor soloist. I help people pursue long-term financial security. I founded “piercefinancial Ann Arbor” in 2004 after 10 year’s tenure that began on Wall Street (the real Wall Street, NYC). Music is my first love. People are my second. Trust gives me energy and inspires my performance. My most profound legacy is my five beloved children (born btwn 1999 & 2009). I’m pursuing divorce. I’ve found great joy in rediscovery. I’ve been blessed with great opportunities. I lived and worked in NYC for 5 years, studied music & art in Vienna, worked at Carnegie Hall, met Paul McCartney, traveled to the Soviet Union and met Russians, Ukrainians, & Estonians during the pregnant time preceding the fall of Communism. I’ve donated work in the Dominican Republic, Mexico, and at a YoungLife camp in North Carolina, was tenor vocal soloist with an Anglican-style boychoir at Grace Church in NY, and currently sing with Measure for Measure Men’s Choral Society. I engage with my hometown-Ann Arbor community through membership in the Ann Arbor Rotary Club, current service on the Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra (A2SO) Board, and previous service on the A2SO Executive Committee, the Business Advisory Council for Concordia University MBA program, and the Special Gifts committee at St. Paul Church & School. I would love to hear from you.